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Here’s to Year 22

On Sunday, March 22, I turned 22 and this is what I wrote in remembrance in my journal. 

The year of 21 —
I’ve never experienced a deeper revelation of purity and pleasure in my life. And how much God loves the 2. I spent all my extra money on gas and plane tickets to see people I love. I decided to say yes to a job I never planned on loving so much. Most nights I cooked at home and truly fell in love with ingredients and produce and smells and health and time in the kitchen. I broke a few times and every time Holy Spirit whispered, “still here”. I smiled in the mirror when I saw myself. I stopped feeling shame when people asked “so, what’s next?”. I watched small, secret promises between God and I be fulfilled. I cried and laughed with people who know me. I still love rap music and boy meets world and my first grade best friend, Jessica Willis and the New York Yankees and eating at a table and hearing the Voice of God. I think 15 year old me would be so proud of who she would become and that means a lot to me.

Here’s to satisfaction in 22.

At the beginning of this year, the Lord told me this would be a year of satisfaction and spoke to me through Deuteronomy 8. “And you shall eat and be full, and you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land he has given you.” 

Today I wrote in my journal “I still get surprised when you fully satisfy my heart in a way nothing has before.” 

 He truly satisfies.